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K1 Tarisian Seaside Area

Darth Payne

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I'm just wondering if it is at all possible to use Manaan to create a seaside area of Taris? (After replacing all personnel and creatures.)


I've had the thought at times whenever the old nutcase(i forget his name) in the undercity says that the seas were poisoned before the Tarisian Civil War.


This in my opinion would add several new and usefull areas.

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I do hope you know that there might not be any need to model an entirely new area, simply re-using Manaan is more than sufficiant. (I leave it completely up to you whether or nor you decide to do so though.)


I always thought that the 'Sith Governor' was a bit too weak.


Why not make him the apprentice to the true Sith Governor, he does speak of his master granting him his lightsaber when you meet him.


What if this master is in hiding inside a secret Sith Academy at the 'Seaside Area'?


Manaan Sith Embassy: Secret Sith Academy.

Republic Embassy: Exchange Base.


What do you think of this?

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