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Review: Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper


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So, a couple weeks ago I finished a game called Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper, which, boiled down, is a point and click game, but had some very fun and intriguing puzzles and events. Here's a little review I have of the game:


The good

-Great graphics, and for a game that was released back in May of this year, it runs great on my 6- or 7-year old computer

-For a game with Jack the Ripper in it, it's not too gory or bloody, but you will see some dismembered organs and a little blood.

-The game is very movie-like, even more so towards the second-half.

-Exciting plotline and fun puzzles.

-Apparently, the developers tried to recreate the streets of London. Having been to London only a few times, I can't say how accurate they are ;).

-Some of the supporting characters were actually real people who lived in London during the time period.

-Both Holmes and Watson are playable

-Game only cost $20, another plus.


The bad

-Not much replay value.

-There aren't alot of hints given, and those that are given usually aren't too helpful.

-Due to that, you may find yourself wondering around aimlessly as you don't know what to do, and some puzzles become ridiculously tough.

-You can play in first and third person, but it's a little tough to move around in third person.

-I realize we're talking about Jack the Ripper here, but they use the word "prostitute" to the point it's not even funny.


Rating: 8/10. I would recommend this game to others, give it a buy or a rent, but the lack of hints and replay value bring the score down a bit.

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