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Twin Suns encounter help


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So I need some help, and I do not have much experience modding Kotor 2. During a playthrough, i screwed some things up, and so when the exile is told by mira that his friends might be in trouble and the control switches to Atton, he is not attacked by the Twin Suns. The cutscene does not occur, nothing. The game cannot progress until he kills them, so im stuck.


I need to make the cutscene/battle appear, is there a script someone has that can do that for me?


I was fooling around with the KSE and found the "TWIN_SUNS_DEAD" global numeric. I figure that has to be set to 1 or perhaps 2 after control switches to Atton to have the same result as killing them. Would a script/mod be able to do that for me to progress back to the Exile?


Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. Like 15 hours in and would rather solve the problem than replay it.

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