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Can anyone help me ask about the bronze hat?


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Hi folks


I've asked this question a few times on other topics and I've gone thru all the references to the bronze hat in the forum but no-one else seems to have the same problem that I do. Maybe someone has come up against this:


I've looked at the statue and the plaque on Jambalaya. I've talked to the tourist. I know where the hat is and what I need to do to get it. But I can't get anyone to tell me where it's hidden so that Guybrush knows. I don't get the option to ask Jumbeaux about it, even though I've read the plaque and talked to the tourist. When I ask him about his father, he sniffs and Guybrush won't ask him any more.


Am I missing out on something? It feels at this stage like there's something wrong with the game...


I'd really appreciate any help on this.


Thanks, jody

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Thanks for the reply Natty.


I can tell the parrots apart, got that far. The problem is that Guybrush won't ask anyone about the hat, not the parrots, not Jumbeaux, not anyone. It's like as if it hasn't registered that I've done the statue/plaque/tourist thing.


There's another guy on the forum, ralph, who seems to be having the same problem. It's bizarre - I'm feeling like it is some kind of bug cos it just doesn't make any sense (not even Monkey Island sense :-))


If you've any other thoughts, fire away though - I'll try anything :-)


Thanks, jody

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That is wierd, maybe you could try doing it again and see what happens, if it doesn't work that time, then perhaps you do have a bug and should download a patch (I'm not good with what patches to download, but someone else could probably tell you)




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Thanks Nat


I've logged the problem with LucasArts helpdesk so we'll see what they come up with. Feel a bit stupid cos it looks like I'm going to a tech support desk for a hint but hey, what else can I do?


I think I said *this is not a hint request* about 20 times on the form so they probably got the message :-)


I'll post what they say up here anyway


Thanks, jody



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Finally managed to get past this bit. Had to restart :-( and go thru game again but this time I got to ask about the hat.


Thanks everyone for help, still don't know what was happening with it but am happy now so no big probs



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