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sorry to have to post this a as topic, but I think spoilers are out of control, and since natty posted the first complain, the spoilers are giving away solutions for spite.


I needed to draw the responsables for this forum's attention.


once again, sorry.




One day I went to LucasArts and they said what the hell are you doing here and I said you know you should make cds green and squary because I like green and I like squares and they said I don't know what you are talking about and I said I don't either.

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it's ok Al- most times people wanna post walkthroughs coz they wanna show they've done the game and they think its a cool thing to do or something, I wouldn't mind so much if people had a warning at the top of the topic warning people there's a walkthrough coming up so those who don't wish to read it don't have to read it- that's all I'm asking and is it such a terrible thing to ask?




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