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Equipment Modding from a Newbie


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I have never tried to tackle modding, before, and, before I might ever try, I wonder if what I want would even be doable? I want white Jedi robes, in KotOR 2, like Star Forge robes, or the robes Handmaiden has, if not an original, white design (like a "Jedi Jesus" Exile I saw somewhere). When I play, it's usually as a female, and so I can use Brianna's voice and look file as mine, but making equipment, well I've never done that, and even looking like her, the game knows you aren't her, so her gray/white robes are out, and the save editor I use wouldn't allow me to make it think I was both, if that would even be good for the system. The other, more tricky one, is that it would be cool to make a robe that looks like Boba Fett/bounty hunter/Mandalorian armor, with Jedi robes over the top of it, like in the KOTOR MMORPG Deception trailer, that would be good, like armor, and maybe even give multiple benefits, but would equip as a robe, so as not to interfere with Force powers. Is any of this possible, and, if so, how might I go about it?


Thanks for your time.

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