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Brandi St George and the Dragon-girl

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Brandi St George and the Dragon-girl


Author's note: The sarcastic commentary by Brandi against Vivian is loosely based on a Japanese Anime translated to English Named Dragon Half. The voice actress playing Princess Vena commented that the Japanese used pretty much the same epitaph every time she railed against the girl, and she wanted to make it more amusing by coming up with a different way to refer to her enemy, a half human-half dragon as I portray. Just to make it more interesting, I came up with Vivian's responses.


So enjoy...


David slid his arm up those legs, acre upon acre of them. He wanted to finger every inch. Vivian shivered as his hand paused, then slid along the inside of her thigh beneath her skirt. Her breath hitched as a thumb ran along the strong pulse of the femoral artery. It was one of her erogenous zones. The sudden surge of enjoyment if the man with her merely touched the right pulse point could weaken her knees. She turned, kissing him deeply, her hands running down to hold hands, then paused. Why was the third ring pulsing?


She leaped backward, rolling on one shoulder as the wall behind them exploded. David fell as the wall collapsed on him. A whirlwind roared in picking Vivian up, and flung her through the window.


“Vivian!” David shouted. Then a foot slapped his face down.


The woman pushing his face into the carpet leaned forward. “David honey, I told you I'd know if you betrayed me.” She whispered seductively. “Your friend is roadkill by now.”


“Brandi, baby.” He replied in a voice just as seductively. “She was just some girl I met-”


Brandi stiffened, then slapped her hands together, forming a wedge of air compressed until harder than steel. The wall ahead of them exploded inward in a superheated blast and the flaming bolt that struck at her split along that line, the wall to either side suddenly bursting into flame. Then the sprinklers went off, drenching them.


Brandi sputtered shaking her head to get the water out of her eyes. Outside the fourteenth floor window a woman with wings, horns and a seriously bad attitude swooped by.


“That the best you can do you windbag?” Vivian roared.


“Want to try again reptile girl?” Brandi shouted back. She extended an arm, then she pretended to draw a bow. Air formed the weapon and an arrow, and she fired it. The flying girl dodged, then yelped as the arrow turned to chase her like a heat seeking missile. Brandi laughed as the figure arced around like a fighter pilot desperately dodging the sharpened breeze.


The laughter died when the girl flew directly toward the wall of an office building, then arced upward suddenly. The arrow did not make the turn, hitting the wall with a blast that smashed all of the windows on that floor and the ones above and below.


Now the figure arched back, her mouth opening. Brandi threw up her defensive wall again, but this time Vivian landed on her feet at a run, catching the other girl and throwing her through the hole in the inner wall. Then she leaped to follow.


David dug himself out of the rubble, and headed for the door, the sounds of battle following along with the sound of yet another window shattering. Better to be far away- he opened the door and stared at the expanse of blue uniformed chest in front of him with a badge marked NYPD.


“Oh bugger.” He whispered.




“All rise for Myrlyn, Superior court judge in and for the Borough of Manhattan.” The crowd stood as the old man in robes marched in taking his seat, then sat. He adjusted his glasses, lifting the docket. The specifics of the case were simple, and because diplomatic immunity were involved he moved smoothly to the end.


“Half a million dollars in property damage. Lawsuits against the both of you totaling just under seven million more.” The judge glared down at the two women. They had the grace to look embarrassed. He looked past them at the two men who stood behind them beside their wives. “And you two. Baron St George and Count Roget. You have succeeded in converting my city into a war zone without the benefit of a declaration of war!”


“Your honor I must protest.” Fideo St George spoke with a smooth tone. “I fail to see how the Count and myself can be held responsible-”


“Shut up!” The judge roared pounding the bench with his gavel. “Ever since your daughters have arrived in this city I have had to deal with this!” He scrabbled through the papers on his desk. “Brandi St George leveling three different night clubs in the same night!”


“They wouldn't play the right music!” Brandi protested, then wilted under the judge's glare.


“Vivian Draco Roget buzzing light planes over the suburbs-”


“But your honor, I have to hone my hunting skills.” That girl also wilted when he looked at her.


“The city cannot bear much more damage, gentlemen, and we can't deport your daughters without deporting you as well.”


“Good thing for us.” Ruderick Count Roget commented. His wife, Sylvia Draco Countess Roget poked him. She came in human form because a sixty foot dragon wouldn't have fit in the room. She smiled apologetically at the judge.


“All this over some young turk with more hormones then sense.” He glared at David.


The young man did a finger wave at him. “Hi, Grandpa.”


“Shut up before I go Roman Empire on you.” Myrlyn snarled.


“It all started because that snake skank put her hands on my David!” Brandi shouted.


“Order.” Myrlyn rapped on the podium.


“Your David!” Vivian turned and they were facing each other. “Where's the brand, Fart engine?”




“If I have to mark him with something visible it can be arranged, lizard trollop!”


“Order!” The gavel sounded like a sledge hammer.


“You'll have to find another man you foul wind!”


“Order!” Myrlyn slammed his gavel down as hard as he could, and his own magical power arced. The bench shattered, spraying wooden shards across the court room. He stood, glaring at the girls. He growled, breathing heavily, looking like he wanted to throw the gavel across the room.


“The court rules that both will do six hundred hours of community service-”


“Your honor, I must protest!” Morgana La Fey-St George cried.


“I agree, your honor.” Sylvia Draco Countess Roget added her own voice.


Myrlyn glared at the women. “It will end today or I will have you Pinged and ejected.” He warned.


“Your honor, both of our nations still practice trial by combat-” Sylvia Draco Countess Roget began.


“Wait a minute! That isn't legal here!”


“Actually your honor, it is still on the books here.” Morgana La Fey-St George replied. “We checked.” She waved toward Sylvia. “What we would ask, your honor, is that our daughters fight for the love of this...” She looked at David, who was making eyes at the court recorder. “...person. Hand to hand, no magic or natural abilities such as growing wings claws and flaming breath.”


Myrlyn looked at the two women. “So what, a wrestling match?” He looked at Brandi, who was almost a head shorter than Vivian. “I hate to say it, Madam La-Fey, but that pint sized kid of yours doesn't stand a chance.”


“With the properly applied skills of such a master magician as yourself it will be equitable.” The mother commented. “I am having a dinner for an organization called GLORY...”



It took several days to subpoena all of the GLORY girls in the Triborough area, even if it had been explained as to why they had been so served. But finally twenty attractive women who all wrestled professionally were brought to the New York Gym. Brandi went down the line picking someone her own size. The judge explained the procedure, he would create a copy of the wrestler's capabilities, and place them for a short time on the other woman. After some fierce haggling, it was agreed. Brandi would have all of her skills for six hours, in return for seats for four, front row center on opening night at the Met when the Mikado opened in three weeks thanks to Morgana.


Vivian picked a larger woman, and that worthy received three days and nights at Disney world, courtesy of Sylvia.


Now they faced each other, prepared to do battle. Myrlyn stepped forward, motioning to the court recorder. “Court is now in session. As agreed by both defendants, we will have a trial by combat. Stop recording, court recorder.” He bared his arms, and signaled for his staff. Once it was in his hands, he pointed it. “I magically give you equal strength to your opponent, Brandi. Now I place a geas upon you, Brandi St. George. During this bout you are not allowed to use any magic including healing spells. You will agree now.”


“I agree.” Brandi replied.


Myrlyn now turned to Vivian. “And you, Vivian Draco Roget, are under geas that during this bout you will not shift your form from human. You will agree now.”


“I agree.” Vivian replied.


“Then the referee will now take her place.”


The referee; a statuesque brunette in an NYU sweatshirt, stepped out. “Now I want a good clean bout. Ladies, begin!”


They circled, hands out and extended at their sides. “Well fart-bag? Ready to eat floor?”


“In your dreams, Lizard breath.” Brandi sidled forward, and Vivian leaped, slapping her. From a normal woman it would have been something painful, but Vivian had the strength and muscles of her half-breed heritage, and Brandi was picked up and thrown into the wall by that negligent blow.


But the magic held. Shaking brick and mortar dust from her arm, Brandi stepped away from the wall with not even a bruise. “You'll have to do better than that, you snake tailed slut.”


They faced off again, and Vivian leaped forward to strike again. Brandi caught her wrist, pulling her off balance, and flipped her over her hip. Vivian flew into another wall impacting face first and gouging out a space for her entire body before stopping.


Brandi landed on her back as Vivian pulled herself free. She went for a full nelson, but Vivian dropped down slithering from her grip. The Dragon girl spun, grabbing the front of Brandi's bikini top, then threw her as hard as she could.


Brandi slammed into the ceiling, her body ripping completely through the lathing and joists, leaving a round hole and the scrap of cloth in her opponent's hands.


“Foul!” Morgana protested. The judge looked at the piece of clothing in Vivian's grip, then at the ceiling where Brandi was busily ripping a larger hole.


“If Brandi does not concede, I will allow the match to continue.” He decided.


Concession was the last thing on Brandi's mind. The ripping stopped, and the room was silent. Vivian walked over, looking up, and Brandi dropped like a bomb, driving her opponent into the concrete of the floor. They grappled in the plaster dust and dirt, growling at each other and suddenly Vivian's top joined Brandi's in oblivion.


Vivian got her legs in, shoving against Brandi's stomach, and the smaller girl flew across the room to slam into and through a weight set, bars and weights flying. Vivian leaped to pursue, but Brandi came up with a inch thick bar in her hands, swinging it like a bat to knock the dragon into the opposite wall.


She growled, bending the bar into a bow, then snatched up a one hundred pound weight, flinging it across the room like a Frisbee. Vivian caught it, and flung it back.


Myrlyn had been unprepared the first time, but he made a negligent movement, and the weight changed directions, flying straight up into the hole in the ceiling as both girls charged toward each other.


There was a smashing sound, and suddenly the Olympic sized pool on the roof collapsed into the room. During it's construction, the workers had merely swept all the detritus from construction together, removing only things like nails screws and scraps of wood. So the first rush carried dirt and sawdust down to inundate the pair. Myrlyn threw a dome over the people in the room as tons of water poured down, off the shield, and blew out all the windows and doors.


As the flood subsided, they took in the tableau in the center of the room. Unmindful of the slimy mud, the two combatants fought. All eyes (Except for them of course) went to the Judge. He gave a smile that belonged on the face of a man in his twenties.


“I'll allow it.”


The women, now covered in viscous mud struggled on, sliping and sliding as one overrode the other.


Suddenly Brandi froze, staring at her left index finger. Vivian took advantage, shoving her down on her back.


“That two timer!” Brandi screamed.


“Why?” Vivian demanded. “Because he's looking at me?”


“We're too close together for him to focus, gecko hussy! That means he's flirting with someone else!”


At that they froze, holding still but both pair of eyes rose to see...


The referee, who leaned against the wall. David was leaning against the wall, bent close enough to kiss. “So, how often do guys hit on you instead of the wrestlers?”


Brandi stood, cracking her knuckles. “I'm going to rip his heart out through his throat!”


Vivian caught her arm. “If we work together, we can throw that slime through that hole.” She motioned up. “And if we jump up there we can catch him before he comes down.”


They shared an evil smile as they stalked across the room.


Myrlyn watched as David went into a parabolic flight. He looked at the parents. “This

court is adjourned. Now if you would join me for dinner?”

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