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Bronze Hat


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I know I should talk with the Pirate on the beach about the bronze hat, but I can't choose such a dialog. (I can talk about the parots, his father, the guy who shoots on the beach...)

How do I get Guybrush and the Pirate to talk about the bronze hat????




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Guest grannen

Have a talk to the tourist and have a look at the statue.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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I am having the same problem, I can't get the parrots to tell me anything useful. I have talked to the tourist and looked at the statue. I think this is a bug. Can someone send me a saved game they may have up to this point. My email address is andrew@panda.net.au


If others have had the same problem please let me know so I can report it to Lucas Arts. It is possible that the order I did previous parts has caused a problem and I don't really want to have to start over.


thanks heaps!!




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