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Whatup. Uhh, yeah. Thius is general discussion area so none of your posts up in here actually count towards the 'posts' number. In reality I probably have more like twice that of what's shown. By, 1,000 posts you are a senior member and can customize your user title if you want.


Hope you have a sense of humor in the forum games. Some others apparently think my telling someone to GTFO in there is being serious. >_> Nonsense, just if you tend to be a wisecracker, hope you can take it as well as dish it out.


Main forum:

All the Star Wars stuff of games are on the left, everything else is on the right.


Occasionally there are polls. There is also the Lucas Cast where select people who own this site chat about stuff. I don't listen as often as I should.


There's obviously the SWfilms area, the classic gaming area, several other areas for the recent popular titles, I usually visit KOTOR and Jedi Knight forums. KOTOR is by far where the life of the forum is. Has general, community, and serious subforums.


Jedi Knight is second to that, but you might PM me before posting up in Yoda's Swamp to avoid making any silly errors that their longtime members will dis you for. The Senate chambers...tends to get rather too serious sometimes (even for a serious subforum), other times it's interesting.


Both have their modding departments.


And of course you'll catch my pals and I up in the forum games shooting $%^#. So at that, please, feel free to enjoy yourself as a newblood. And there's a handy help section as well for any questions and concerns you might have.

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