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Endar Spire

Seth Clearwater

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I'm stuck on the Endar Spire, it won't let me grab my gear from my footlocker and so I can't progress... I'm stuck at the very beginning of the level. :( I've tried everything to remedy this... I even removed all mods and then reinstalled the game... but nothing... I can't get into my footlocker... I even tried to spawn the items on me through modding, but it still didn't work... help?

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Ahh. I have had a similar problem before. When I was already on Taris, it said I was still on the Endar Spire, and when I loaded there, everybody was already dead and when I met up with Carth, I got in the pod and instead of ending up on Taris, I found myself in the bedroom on the ebon hawk with a locked door and I couldn't get out. Here's the creepy part, Bastila was in there too!

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