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New Conversion Mod: The Jedi Knights

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Not to be insulting or anything LOH, but why are you so pessamistic? And, FYI, I already have 9 other people. You can help with the writing if you aren't too busy.

He speaks with the voice of experience, instead of being hostile or dismissive of him and the others you might actually read their posts with advice to you.


You also state, in an obvious boast to show that 'mean ol' LOH' up, that you already have 9 people? Who? What are their skill sets, and what have they done modding these games?


LOH, how much money do you wish to wager? I say this mod will be done. How much money will you give me if this mod gets done?

This response is all too familiar...


I have seen your kind before and will see them again, coming here full of righteous indignation, gonna show all us lamers whats for, but in the end you'll either leave with your tail between your legs or stick around and produce some small mods.


Very, very, very, very, very (catch a pattern here?) very rarely does a "Super-Dooper Total Conversion Mod project" produce something viable... let alone a finished mod, especially when the 'leader' or creator has no knowledge of modding these games.


Ok, you've got me there. Maybe I should start with something simple

First wise words you have posted in this thread. Always start small then if you enjoy it, work your way up the ladder to the more complicated tasks.


I'm sorry you aren't getting what you wanted as far as responses go here Mrcharlton, but your high-energy spamming of our forums and other such obviously newbie things, then being dismissive of advice given you is not a good sign.

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