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Request for Menu Enhancement


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I just got this game to work (X200 using the latest catalyst drivers. Game works perfectly now!) and was wondering if someone could make a mod to improve the menu of this game.


I noticed that space in the menu is not properly utilized and that it'd be much better if it utilized that space. (saves the hassle of scrolling)


An example to this mod would be the BTmod in Oblivion. (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=41&view=Articles.Detail)


Thanks :)

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I hope I have the text is now translated correctly. There is a mod to just look at kotorfiles and would have to satisfy your desires.




Who is correct, it translates what you are looking for. From whom else I do not know if there is also such a exestist. For TSL, there is also such a mod but can be found here in the forum.

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I'm sorry about not being specific. I meant in-game menu, not main menu.


If you look at the in-game menu, most of the space is blurred out when that space could be used for making a bigger and better menu. Like the BTmod in Oblivion. (Check the link in my first post. If you have played vanilla Oblivion you'll notice the difference immediately when you play using the BTmod)


Thanks :)

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