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Could Use Some Mapping Advise


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First off, Im new to map making so if I make noob statments you will know why.

My beginers knowledge comes from the help of the lucas files document "Basic Modeling in XSI for StarWars BF." I started with "Softimage XSI 4.2" as it was recomended in the basic modeling readme.

First step was to download the software so that I could start getting used to the program.

I was doing fine untill I found out that I could only get the trial version, that letts you have fun with the tools but disables saving and exporting.


If anyone has ran into this they would know that all leads to purcasing or fully enabling software are out of the question by now.

So now Im left at a Stale Mate.


My question, to find another program or to some how use the one I have.


Any other help or advise would be great. Epifire :)

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The Modtool v4.2 is fairly outdated. I'd recommend either downloading Modtool 6.0 or 7.x (I like 6.0). None of the Modtool versions are capable of exporting directly into a Battlefront-readable format (.msh), but community tools have been made that support converting certain Modtool-exportable formats (.xsi, .obj) into Battlefront-readable formats.


See this thread for more information.

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