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Malak and female PC - Deeper relationship

Lithicon Doubt

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Hey, uhm I'm new to these forums (posting-wise) but I've been reading them for awhile now and I've used alot of mods from you guys that have been uploaded on various sites. I'm not really very skilled at modding, all I can do at the moment is reskin things >.< which is nice and all but there's something I've always longed for in KOTOR. I'm not sure if it's been made already (couldn't find anything like it) and I'm not sure if it's been requested already (search showed nothing like it) and I don't know how much skill/time would be needed for a project like this; but if anyone was willing to undertake it I would be eternally grateful, you would of made the greatest of my KOTOR dreams come true ^_^ heheh.


Now, I don't really know what's possible and what's not but, the basics of the idea were for Malak and the female PC to have a deeper relationship, either through love (but I'd prefer not) or through him wanting to turn her into his apprentice (like he did with Bastila) imo it would make sense in the way that it would be a great triumph for Malak if he could turn his former Sith Master into a lowly apprentice. I had a few thoughts about how this could become so; but like I say I don't know how it could work. My initial thoughts were either to begin this on the Leviathan after capture/during escape when you see Malak, and to change some of the dialogue there. Or in the end on the Star Forge where you fight him, added dialogue, maybe cutscenes. I had the thought that if you dropped below 25% Health during your fight with him it stopped the fight and triggered addtional dialogue, where he tries to persuade you to join him, you could do so willingly or the fight could continue, if he gets you down to your last point of health it tiggers yet more dialogue and you can either choose to resist and let him kill you (Game Over, or maybe even an addtional cutscene of failure lol) or he will torture you until you agree to join him (yet another cutscene similar to the DS ending, but instead with just Malak and you by his side). Though I figure it would work better if the torture process was longer (started before the endgame) as it would take more than a few mintues to break a true Jedi...


I'm sure you've guessed this by now but ultimately the main idea is for the female PC to become Malak's apprentice, (preferably by means of torture by Malak). And I suppose I should say incase it wasn't clear, I mean all this about Darth Malak, not about Malak before he fell to the darkside, since we already know how Revan and Malak's relationship as Jedi was.


Like I said I'm just spitballing here of how I see things in my head, I'm a modding noob so I'm completely clueless as to how much of that is actually possible, how hard it is, how long it would take...so sorry if I'm just wasting your time by writing this (to whoever is reading) >.< I have spent alot of time thinking of the different ways it could play out. But before I sit and explain all of them, I'd like to know A=If it will even be possible to achieve this somehow, and B=If anyone is actually willing to make this kind of mod.


So I guess if you have any questions about it, or if you want me to be more specific on my ideas (since this was just a brief and basic explanation) feel free to PM here or ask on the thread.


Thanks to any who have input ^_^

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welcome to the forums! this is an interesting idea. Perhaps when if you turn to the darkside you would have a temple-top confrontation with Jedi Bastila ? and you would betray Malak for her the same way she betrays him for Male Revan?


again, welcome to the forums!

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Thanks ^_^


And yeah I guess you could include that :p although I wouldn't personaly choose that option when playing, due to the fact that I hate Bastila, and I'm a big Malak fan :p But yeah that's just me, I'm sure other people would love the option ^_^


I would try and do this myself only it appears I suck at this in some way >.< I tried Darth DingDong's tutorial for Custom Module making today; I got to the end, after following it word for word, only to realise that on the screenshot of how it should look in the ERF builder, there was an extra .git file inserted that I didn't have, and couldn't find anything about in the tut, the one called m03ae.git. Other than that the files I had matched the ones in the SS, I tried it without the missing .git file but it just crashes upon saving/loading after using the warp cheat to my module >.< so yeah, evidently I fail already at that ;_; anyways my failures aren't really to be discussed in this thread I guess.


Thanks again though ^_^

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Like I said, it was merely a suggestion to aid you in developing your idea; this an interesting idea, and I would personally make it if I had any skill in modding. I thought having the confrontation with light side Bastila on the temple would make it interesting because it would be like the opposite of the regular story--you are on the dark side and she appears to bring you back to the light or flee. This would seem to require many scripts (time consuming) customized modules (could re-use, the temple ones, for instance...? and would need to disable/recreate certain movies (Bik movies)

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Yeah it certainly would make for an interesting look at the events, how they could of played out if it were the other way around. If I ever get around to making this myself I would definately look at including it.


After a second attempt at making a custom module last night I managed to succeed, it wasn't overly much, just one npc I made in a custom room, with sounds, alien voiced dialogue, a few choices in the dialogue and a script to turn the npc hostile when you chose a certain conversation option. Then to give DS points upon choosing that option and he drops his weapon+exp upon death. I know it's not much but for me it was a huge step since I've never done anything like it before.


I still have a hell of alot of things to learn before I can even begin to start making a mod of my idea...but luckily I do have a fairly large amount of spare time and if I can pick things up at a decent pace then I should be able to start work on this before the end of this month. One thing I can say for sure though is, if I do infact make this mod, if any dialogue is voiced it will be alien only most likely, and silent for human characters >.< I don't think I could manage to make entirely new lines for the characters and I don't know anyone who sounds anything like them.


I'd also considered adding an Echani character to replace Juhani, but again that would require alot more work, maybe I would be able to voice the Echani character myself but I'm not sure.


Anyhow, nothing will come of it until I manage to learn more things so I better carry on with that :p

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