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Back at the gate in the swamp...


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Hi Iam on a mac also and I seem to be experiencing the same problem which gooch is. I have done the same things which gooch went thru and I have also applied the recent monkey Island update for the mac, but it still does not work. Maybe someone who has played the game on a mac without problems would be kind enough to send me a saved game just after the second time at the swamp gate ( that is th problem area)......

my e-mail is mswedding@hotmail.com

Thanks again


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do any of u guys out there have any idea how to get past the swamp as stated in this thread problem. I would really like to get ahead but am stuck with my past guybrush and I can't do anything to get past him. I would really appreciate any help

Thanx Miz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa boy

and i was just thinking that i was doing something wrong. It's just a bug. Well I believe there was someone with a mac who DID get past it. I want to know how. Do you do it with 32 bit colors? a joystick? Does the raft seem to be rotating around some point or around its own axis?

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Alright!!!! I done it. I just got the latest update at Aspyr, I deleted all my save states and started all over again, and it worked. Now the raft rotates around its own axis as it should do, so I can get close enough to the gate. So if you can't approach the gate, get the update or start over.


When you have it right, go follow the clues until you see yourself, note the order in which you gave the items to yourself. Then you will not open the gate because you think it might be a trick. Note the number you are thinking of, then open the gate, and then continue your journey. When you see yourself, give the items in the proper order (for some reason, I kept the gun), tell him the number you're thinking of, and continue.

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Ok great, Thanks for posting the tip I am going to try it. Just in case it does not work...... Is it possible to send me a copy of the saved game just after the swamp?? My e-mail is mswedding@hotmail.com.

Thanks Miz

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Just making sure that you know that you can pull up your inventory before you talk. You can then select the key and give it to your past self. The conversation with it should match the previous one. I think after that you need to pass the chicken or something before actualy ingaging in conversation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys this is my first post at this FORUM.

Thank god I found something on net about this bug which happens with me too . I've been looking for the answer to this all over the net. It also happens to me , Guybrush tries to stick his pole into the swampo but it doesn't stop and the action doesn't complete. by the way , I play the PC version game with no patches , I suppose it's a rare bug .

Moreover , it does seem only a few of you experience this. Guys , can someaone send me a PC save game just after the swamp? The patch solution does not make me sure. IF someone can , send me a e-mail please

Í'm brief because I don't have time to read post message everyweek , only emais . Thanks guys, this is the first discussion I notice it didn't happen only with me and there was a way to get past smile.gif

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Guest grannen

Try to Uninstall from the Options Menu but keep the saved games when asked.

Reinstall, reload the patch, recheck the settings for your graphic and start from Deadeye Daves place.




Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem playing from a WindowsME system. I've found that if I hold the enter key down when wanting to talk to the other Guybrush (while the Talk to Guybrush option is highlighted), I can talk to him. If I hold down the I key for inventory, I see the inventory overhead. The inventory won't rotate, until I pause the game using the space bar, then I wait for the option prompt and I can move among the inventory items. Choosing one (like the key, or anything else) and getting Guybrush to open the door, is another tough matter completely. I haven't gotten through the whole scene, yet.


I'm so relieved that I'm not the only person with this glitch. Thanks, all!

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I've found that sometimes the game can be very picky in the order which you take care of major events... it's almost as if the programmers thought about the puzzles in a very linear fashion, so you might have to solve the puzzles in the order which they intended, or else the sound might not work properly, in that when you speak, or when someone else speaks, entire sentences might be skipped, and you're left not knowing what to do next.


Start from an earlier save of the game, re-solving some of the puzzles in a different order before going back to the swamp (preferrably in the order which the walkthroughs tell you, if you don't have a walkthrough, try GameFAQs), and see then go back to the swamp.




"It's craptacular."

 &nbsp--Bart, The Simpsons

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Well, I had the same problem with my system, a brand new Athalon 1.3 GB PC running Windows 98 on a Gforce 3. How I got around it was to install MI4 on my work computer, load my save game from home - play through the glitch area, save the game, and reinstall the new save game at home. This worked, and I could carry on. If you need the save game, I still have it at work. Let me know.

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