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One Game, One Topic, One Tread

Young David

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Okay ... I already said this on another tread, and it's just a little request to you guys, the member of this forum.


There's no need for 10 threads about the same topic. If you want to talk about the Yuuzahn Vong, fine make a thread about and keep it all in there. Talk about Air Units, Pop Limit, Princess Leia, The Gungans, Hunting Ewoks, sys requerments, demo release date ... Fine. I don't care what you talk about. But us all organize it a little. This way it's gonna be a mess.


I thank you for reading ... now back to the posting :)

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Really ? I don't think so. What you consider fun is annoying to other people who want to read some interesting stuff about a certain topic. I wouldn't want to come here, click on a topic and discover that it goes from discussing a civ to what hobbies every forummer has..


think about it. if you're going to discuss something new, close the thread and make a new one.

it helps keeping these forums accessible, easy to view and logical.

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**sigh** what makes you think i'm being mean ?

don't you think i noticed the smiley ? heck, you use one with every post. that doesn't mean i don't ever take you seriously..(oh wait, i don't... :D See ? Now THAT was also a joke..)

What he said was actually how several forummers think. HE might not think that way, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be adressed. which i did.

All in good fun, folks. ;)

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Guest Tie Guy

*sigh*(had to add that in there)


I agree either way. Certainly one topic is enough, but the thing is that they never stay on topic, so it is alot easier to just post a new thread, so we can get back on topic. Still, we should try to limit the topic repeats to the neccessary.

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