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Icons that show whats affecting character?

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In KOTOR there was a bar on the character info page that showed what was affecting that character. (It looked similar to the Light/Dark sight alignment bar on the same page.) Ex. if you used a stimulant or a beneficial force power an icon would appear on that bar showing it was affecting the character.


In KOTOR II that bar is gone. Is there somewhere else in the game that shows whats affecting your character? This is my biggest peeve about this game in comparison to the first KOTOR. I hate not knowing if the strength stim I used is still affecting my character or has worn off.


Is there any mod or something that adds this feature back in at all?

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In KOTOR there was a bar on the character info page that showed what was affecting that character. (It looked similar to the Light/Dark sight alignment bar on the same page.) Ex. if you used a stimulant or a beneficial force power an icon would appear on that bar showing it was affecting the character.


In KOTOR II that bar is gone. Is there somewhere else in the game that shows whats affecting your character? This is my biggest peeve about this game in comparison to the first KOTOR. I hate not knowing if the strength stim I used is still affecting my character or has worn off.


Is there any mod or something that adds this feature back in at all?


Its still there, just a little hidden. Under the "Journal" tab, hit "Messages Log" below the entry pane. Then look for "Effects", which serves the same function as the bar in K1, only it uses text to tell you what is affecting your character.

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