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Music help


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One way to do it is to add a target_play_music entity like this

   "classname" "target_play_music"
   "targetname" "WhateverNameYouFancy"
   "music" "music/mymusic.mp3"
   "origin" "x y z"


and then do a

use ( "WhateverNameYouFancy" );

from within the script. Don't know if there's a better way than that (probably so).

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One way to do it is to add a target_play_music entity like this

   "classname" "target_play_music"
   "targetname" "WhateverNameYouFancy"
   "music" "music/mymusic.mp3"
   "origin" "x y z"


and then do a

use ( "WhateverNameYouFancy" );

from within the script. Don't know if there's a better way than that (probably so).


Yes, but i mean only using Icarus Behaved, without modifying the map. Some type of code inside the script to run when you are ingame puting in the console runscript " "

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