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i'm stuck on monkey island

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i just started act III and i found a coconut and threw it at hermen he remebers a bottle being next to him or somethin and i found a bottle but i can't get it in the lava pits, i found a bananna picker and gave a bananna to timmy and to me and we ate them and i see a part of the island but i don't know what to do, and the mine??? i'm just lost, i need somewhere to start, can someone give me hints as to what i'm suppose to be doing, i need direction, too bad the voodoo lady isn't there, oh and what's with the whole boulder throwing w/the canals? HELP!

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whoa whoa whoa..........have you been to the church yet? maybe that ride can help you get to the otherside.....first tohugh, you'll need to experiment throwing the boulders (theres 3 places they can go)




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