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Linux compiling - JA SDK


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My friend is working on a mod for me and he got it working and compiled for Windows. Problem is he can't get the .so file working for linux. Which is what I use for server hosting.


Error that comes up when I host the .so file on the linux server. Straight out of my qconsole.log


Sys_LoadDll(/home/xxxxxxxx/ja/xxxxx/jampgamei386.so) failed: "/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by /home/xxxxxxxx/ja/xxxxx/jampgamei386.so)"

Sys_LoadDll(./linuxjampded-xxxxxxxx/ja/xxxxx/jampgamei386.so) failed: "./linuxjampded-xxxxxxxx/ja/xxxxx/jampgamei386.so: cannot open shared object file: Not a directory"


He is using Ubuntu 10.04 to compile the .so file. He is using a present make file right off lucasforums if I am not mistaken. He is doing cd codemp/game then make to get it to compile the code for .so file. I am by no means a coder for the jk game series, so if anyone could instruct me on this so I can let him know what he needs to do I would really appreciate it. Thank you :)

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It would probably be easier if he came and posted himself, but I'll try to help anyway :p When you download the dedicated server program for JKA, it comes with a libc.so.6 file. This needs to be copied to the /lib directory by the looks of it. Also, after running the makefile for the game code, your friend needs to copy the jampgamei386.so file to his mod folder.

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