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Hello everybody :) I have a question here : One day i was watching the videos of Shem (Great videos btw) And i came up to a video where his TSL character had battle screams on. I am asking how can i do that and what .2da files must i edit to get that ?

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Hello everybody :) I have a question here : One day i was watching the videos of Shem (Great videos btw) And i came up to a video where his TSL character had battle screams on. I am asking how can i do that and what .2da files must i edit to get that ?


Well, you'd need the KotOR Savegame Editor to give your character a soundset. Either you can chose one that is already there(the PC one from K1 isn't), or there is a mod on Kfiles that would add a male and female soundset for you to use. Either way, you'll still need the program I mentioned.(which may or may not be only available on Kfiles - which isn't working right now)


Scratch that, here's a link for you: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

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