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Seeing Light Side/Dark Side Choices in Conversations


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I hate to open a new thread for this, but I'm trying to find a mod that highlights which conversation options yield light side points and which yield dark side points. I could swear I had a mod like this, but I can't find it again after scouring kotorfiles and almost every page in the completed mods forum. I'm looking specifically for one for TSL, but if one exists for each, please let me know.

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I seem to have come off as sarcastic, I didn't mean to.


I honestly thought I remembered such a mod existing and wanted to know where to relocate it, but my memory has proven faulty. It was just a something I was looking for, but as you said, its not a big deal to tell the difference between light and dark side actions, so I don't want to ask anyone to make this mod when so many other better, cooler ideas (I mean it sincerely!) are being developed.


The call to delete the thread was to reduce clutter. I've lurked around here and other forums for ages and I know the clutter can get annoying in request threads.

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