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NEW FIX FOR KOTOR WIN 7/VISTA minimizing at start


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I tried every single fix from the sticky and none of them worked for my problem. The game consistently crashed during the initial loading and minimized then froze. I also had a ridiculous problem with changing anti aliasing settings took like a minute for each change (also fixed), and my FPS was like 20 on a GTX 460... Note that this game works in windowed mode, but why so thats where these fixes are based from


These are the fixes.


In the SWkotor folder you will see a file called swkotor.ini if you don't see it, click the swkotor file where the type is configuration settings. Its like 3 kb in size. That is the correct file.

Go to Open the swkotor.ini file and set


and add



Then save the file


Then when you first start up the game, and see the lucas arts video, press ALT + ENTER to set the game to windowed mode. Wait for the videos to finish then when you get to the loading screen, simply press ALT + ENTER again to see the game in full screen.


Then in addition to that do this fix.


Simply rename the three startup movies (they are not necessary, aren't they ?)

biologo.bik, leclogo.bik and legal.bik into biologo.bik.old, etc...


No special manip, no windowed mode, and all my cinematics work perfectly : no more crash !


Try this.


Those two fixes fixed everything for me and I wanted to pass it on.


SPECIAL THANKS TO Robinobo and JacknifeBasterd from the Steam forums. Eternally greatful. I had nothing to do with this besides researchign every possible solution

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