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Help - weapon stats change (TSL)


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I am absolutely new to moding, and I want to make some small modifications to my TSL so I want to ask You : how? ;)

I want to change stats of all lightsaber's in game. What I have to do? I have just downloaded Kotor Tool so I am prepared ;) So please help me with this.



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Been a while for me but if I recall global item changes can be made in baseitems.2da... things like base damage, armor ac's etc.


But to add things like extra damage types, etc. you'll likely need to edit all the lightsaber *.uti files.


I can't tell you the paths to the files in the editor as I don't have the games or the editor installed on this rig atm.


Edit: Since you re-posted this in Holowan Labs I close this one...

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