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No love for the ladies? (KOTOR)


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I've noticed plenty of mods for male heads, but when it comes to KOTOR mods for female heads the selection is... very limited.


Inyri Forge's mod for male heads was beautiful, but if I want to play a female character, it's not all that helpful. Can someone make an equivalent mod for female heads? I really wouldn't be able to do anything beyond mechanics - art is definitely not my strong suit - but if someone can tackle the female heads to make them not ugly, that'd be really great.




...What is it with wRPG makers and their belief that realistic means ugly and uberbuff, anyways? Ah well. That's why we have modders, though, right?

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Its something I've found odd too. I've found it hard to play as a male, and usually don't, namely if gender is an option when starting a new game. Even when I first played KOTOR(on the Xbox), I went for a female, just because I didn't like the male heads.


Anyway, I do have a few reskins I could show of(all of them female heads), and possibly release if people like them.

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Well, anything to add variety and to have heads that aren't ugly as hell. Feel free to show what you've got. What I'm really looking for is just a way to make them actually appealing - both the male and female heads for KOTOR in vanilla just look... eww...


Blond with a flattop for a female? Really? What were they thinking?

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