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Monster Hunts


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This will be brief:


So do any of you remember Final Fantasy XII?

Remember the Mark Hunting?


What are the chances that something like that could be implemented for one of the KotOR games (probably KotOR II, seeing as how its level cap is far more generous)? Harder, higher-level hunts yield higher rewards, including increasing credit amounts, equipment (likely weapons, armor, armbands, etc., customised and otherwise). I'm thinking that, instead of a billboard, though, that it'll probably be a signup kiosk on each planet (save for those planets that cannot be returned to), after which, the PC can access new hunts via a terminal at this kiosk. Might also include rival beast hunters, and quests involving them.


Would probably take a long time to create, given the new creatures and equipment that would need to be created, the skinning/modelling thereof, writing the quests, etc. Still... I could see it working very well, if done right.

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Hmmm. I do indeed remember the Mark Hunting in FFXII. <3


For K2, it would be hard to do such a thing, because the monsters level as you level, so like say if you cheated to get to lvl 50 immeadiately, but you only lvled your character up to 15, so that you can get the Jedi/Sith class, then you'd die against the monsters, showing that they level as you do in the game... well they gain exp as you do in the game, so yeah. (That probably made no sense, so forgive me, it's 1:30 in the morning lol and I only had four hours of sleep yesterday :xp: ) Anyway, so the "lower" marks would be lvling up as you do, if you skip them for whatever reason. So I dunno if that's what you'd want...


However, I don't see why it wouldn't be feasible in K1, seeing as there is a Hunter's Lodge on Tatooine. :D (And those enemies don't lvl as you do, I don't think :p )

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