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Clear clothing???


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hi, There's a wierd problem with my KOTOR game; on certain clothing (mainly bastila's) certain parts of it show up transparent, or not at all, such as her gloves or something. It's really unusual. Does anyone know how to fix that? maybe a patch or something?


Edit: Yea, also, the shiny parts of robes and stuff (sithmaster armor,etc.) show up clear. any ideas why?

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It's nearly brand new. Nvida Geforce G210M.


Edit: do you know how it could be fixed?

I think you're right about the shaders, I heard something about that, but how do i fix it? I have it running in SP2 because I have windows 7, but i don't think that would make a difference.

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actually, i found a really wierd fix, altho i don't know if it always works: i actually just installed svosh's robe fix mod and voila, the metallic textures showed up! how wierd! i didn't even install the fix to fix the missing metal, i installed it because it was supposed to make the collars look better. very interesting. thanks though! if this solution stops working for some wierd reason, I'll be sure to try out yours.

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