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A few requests...

Canaan Sadow

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Okay, first of all, I'm just going to say that all of these requests are related in the fact that I'm only asking for them because I have no modeling skills, everytime I try, things end up going haywire and I'm ready to chunk my laptop across the room. You'll get major credit when I finally get the blasted thing published also your name will be mentioned like 80 times in the thank you list :p Anyway, here they are...


I am making a recruitment mod for Knights of the Old Republic II. There are going to be Voice Overs for all added characters (hopefully... finding a female voice actor is hard sometimes... if nothing else, I guess I'll have to use my falsetto voice :xp: ).


Anyway... the only character that I want to have a unique appearance in the game is the recruitable NPC (which is because he's going to be a new race), who as of now has no name, because I'm stuck between multiple names :p )... I was kind of hoping for him to look like my Asmodian Daeva from Aion (he's in my avatar picture, but I've also got bigger, closer up pictures...) also, I was wondering if you could make his eyes glow only during combat, like the Asmodian's eyes do... if not, then it's not that important, I just think it's cool. :xp: And now here are the last two... not only could the modeller give him a new head, but also a unique clothing appearance as well as a new underwear appearance... but... now it's picture time...


face (the tiara in the picture is a helmet, so ignore that xD ):



glowing eyes:






ignore the mane on his back, I don't want that :p



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