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Can't export from 3DSMax 2011

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I recently got a copy of 3dsmax 2011 (up til now, I'd been using gmax). I can't seem to export. When I do, I get this error:

MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception

--Runtime error: FileStream cannot create: C:\Program Files\[i](blah blah my directory tree)[/i]\3ds Max 2011\scripts\nwmax\sanity\[i](model name)[/i]_sanitycheck.txt


I'm running 64 bit 3dsmax 2011 (student version) on an iMac with 64 bit Windows 7 (installed through boot camp). 16 GB ram with a quad core i7 processor.

I think I had downloaded the NWMax from this thread http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=201912

and I extracted the folder "NWmax" into the Scripts directory, and the autonwmax.ms file into the Startup directory.

When I start the "Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 64-bit" application, the NWMax toolbox opens fine, and I can import ascii.mdl files without problems. After making changes to the model, I select the AuroraBase and try to "Export Geom only" (I've tried with "Do Sanity Checks" both checked or unchecked), and then I get the error mentioned above.


When I used to use gmax, there was a separate NWMax startup application, which also launched gmax. Is there something like that for 3dsmax?

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