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TSL Enhanced Maps *Only*


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I Made enhanced maps for Kotor, people liked them so i figure id do the same for TSL.. only problem is i cant play TSL so im just gunna release it and hopefully it works fine XD i got not clue. but i do Trust in my abilities so GL and have fun


if you are playing a mod that has new zones

Request it here and i will ask the owner if i can release the maps

if they say yes a patch will be added.



Report and issues as soon as possible Thanks


Old lbl_map610DAN2.jpg











Bonus Content!!!!

Awsome m4-78 Mod by Dstoney and his Team is Now fully supported in V1.1 just check the Box to install it

here is the Link to His Awsome Mod M4-78 TSL


Download Link 1Here V1.1 - Provided By Me

Download Link 2Here V1.1 - Provided By ajlbibak

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if somone Puts them together and requests permission from the owner

or if the owner gives me permission to do it here, But alas, alot of mods comming out currently that add new areas and what not, so all i can do is answer Requests im asking DarthStoney at the moment of typing this if he says yes, patch will be created within the same day and released for M4-78


so in short

A. Working on it

B. Absolutly, If they Give me Permission

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  • 2 weeks later...
Will you do custom maps for those that create their own areas in KOTOR (and or TSL)?

If someone puts them together and requests permission from the owner or if the owner gives me permission to do it here. But alas, a lot of mods coming out currently that add new areas and what not, so all I can do is answer requests. I'm asking DarthStoney at the moment of typing this if he says yes, patch will be created within the same day and released for M4-78


so in short

A. Working on it

B. Absolutly, If they Give me Permission


If permission is obtained from Deathdisco, I'm looking forward to what map you'll come up with for his "Coruscant - Jedi Temple" mod.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry i have not been on here in a while, I had to do a fresh install a while back and lost all forms of this mod on my computer, If someone else has a copy please contact me, or if someone could send me a zip file of the old maps i might be able to create them again :D




No permission for Jedi temple yet that i know of.. might need to ask again lol

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