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This is getting beyond the joke


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First of all, I would like to apologize for posting this topic in the clues and hints forum, but since it has to do with this topic that's why I've posted it here


OK, first of all, I know there's some new people out there who have joined this forum, however, there are also some people who have been on this forum for a month, maybe more and still these people continue to post solutions on here, even though it's being stated NO WALKTHROUGHS.


I understand that some of you may think you're doing some good, and you are doing good, but the purpose of this forum is to give hints to people who are stuck, they're here coz they just want a little push in the right direction. If people want a walkthrough, then they can either consult the walkthrough on this site



or ask that someone emails them the step by step process of what to do- I don't think it's that much of a difficult thing to do, but by giving the people the walkthrough, you're not only spoiling it for the people who ask for the hint, but any unsuspecting people in the future who may come along and look at old posts that are to do with the particular spot they're are stuck on, looking for a hint to get them going, but instead the find a walkthrough.


Maybe instead of saying something like "feed the parrots the grog and get one of them drunk so you can tell them apart, so then you can find the bronze hat" just say something along the lines of "you need to be able to tell the parrots apart, so give them something that will make you be able to tell them apart" or use your imagination, give creative and cryptic answers, cryptic answers are great


If you're not sure what classes as a walkthrough and what classes as a hint or clue- try emailing someone just to clarify the differences


Sorry to those this message doesn't concern- I will be interested to see if any of those people will take note of this (they probably won't they haven't taken notice so far)

but almost every topic these days has at least one walkthrough in it- OK, so I may have already finished the game, a lot of people have it's no big deal, but it is a big deal when unsuspecting people come onto this forum to look for a clue or a hint and then find, what they thought would be a clue, ends up being a 10page essayed walkthrough. (And sorry for this being so long however I felt it needed to be said)






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Guest grannen

Natty is of course right but the sad thing is that there will always be newcomers who doesn't read previous Topics like this re Spoilers and Solutions, don't understand the meaning what Clues & Hints stands for and are so eager to show that they have the complete answer that they will destroy the fun in solving problems.


When you know the answer, then the fun is to give a good Hint that doesn't give away too much but makes the player to think about the answer. Not an answer like "Go to the X Shop and pick up the bla-bla" but more like "Have you found something useful in one of those Shops?"


To figure out a good Hint is a challenge. To give away a Solution is an indication of lack of fantasy!




Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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"To figure out a good Hint is a challenge. To give away a Solution is an indication of lack of fantasy!"

WOW, THAT WAS DEEP... what does it mean?



I agree with you, Natty and all the rest of you guys.

I think besides newcomers, there are always mean spoilers and lazy people that can't make up hints.


I think we also should "sign" this as a form of protest (besides, a topic w 1000 replies causes more impact)




One day I went to LucasArts and they said what the hell are you doing here and I said you know you should make cds green and squary because I like green and I like squares and they said I don't know what you are talking about and I said I don't either.

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I agree with every word Al-back says, but I also think that the problem is generated (also) by people too lazy to look for a site of walkthroughs and asks them here.

When someone asked for one walktrough, Pecker gave him the walktrough, but surrounded by many warining. That was good idea. I mean, it was better than just giving the walkthrough without any warining, but I think that, in the situation we are facing now (all these spoilers going crazy) it would be more effective to just expell them!



fine that was exagerated, but I think theyr abusing it, and theyve got to stop.


By the way GOOD JOB NATTY!




"Pick up the moon?! Are you nuts?"

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I don't mind so much if someone says something like




and then proceeds to scroll down a bit like such


so at least then people aren't confronted with the walkthrough straigh on and have the oppertunity to click the back button or something, but many people launch right into it and say "right well if you do this and then go and do that blah blah blah blah" many people have read a walkthrough without meaning to, and that's what I get frustrated about, and sometimes it feels like people deliberatly don't listen to the requests of "please no walkthroughs" and do it deliberatly just to annoy other people, I mean saying something like "please don't post walkthroughs in the forum, it's not what this forum is all about" really sound bytchy or rude?


I had to say it, because it has being bugging me for ages and I find it terribly frustrating when you see people posting a hint under someones question and then some bozo goes and posts a walkthrough- I mean why bother trying to help people if someone is going to spoil it for everyone else? mad.gif




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Originally posted by me.

Zero: You should write above the topics with big writing: Before you post a topic about help for something, read this.

Inside it would say something like:

A) Check for recent topics labelled with the same problem as the one you have.

B) Search for a keyword to your problem. Ex.: Monkey Kombat.

C) Don`t post your question in someone else`s topic, make your own topic, and don`t post in other forums than the Clues and Hints forum.

D) Don`t post your question multiple times, one is enough.

You could also write something about answering to topics. Like: Do not give away solutions to people asking for help, only clues and hints, as that is what this forum is for.


Tell me what you think. Personally I think it would solve some problems here in this forum.


I am quoting myself from the topic


Originally posted by me.

Zero: You should write above the topics with big writing: Before you post a topic about help for something, read this.

Inside it would say something like:

A) Check for recent topics labelled with the same problem as the one you have.

B) Search for a keyword to your problem. Ex.: Monkey Kombat.

C) Don`t post your question in someone else`s topic, make your own topic, and don`t post in other forums than the Clues and Hints forum.

D) Don`t post your question multiple times, one is enough.

You could also write something about answering to topics. Like: Do not give away solutions to people asking for help, only clues and hints, as that is what this forum is for.


Tell me what you think. Personally I think it would solve some problems here in this forum.


I am quoting myself from the topic


Originally posted by me.

Zero: You should write above the topics with big writing: Before you post a topic about help for something, read this.

Inside it would say something like:

A) Check for recent topics labelled with the same problem as the one you have.

B) Search for a keyword to your problem. Ex.: Monkey Kombat.

C) Don`t post your question in someone else`s topic, make your own topic, and don`t post in other forums than the Clues and Hints forum.

D) Don`t post your question multiple times, one is enough.

You could also write something about answering to topics. Like: Do not give away solutions to people asking for help, only clues and hints, as that is what this forum is for.


Tell me what you think. Personally I think it would solve some problems here in this forum.


I am quoting myself from the topic Looking for Help, because I want to hear ZeroXcape respond to this, I think it's a good idea, what do you think?







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me agrees with Magnus, more often than not these days I see something like the first 3topics are something to do with monkey combat and then there's a few on looking for the bronze hat under the rock and them some various bits and pieces to do with other parts of the game- I honestly don't mind people helping out other people with the game, but what really annoys me is more often than not it seems people don't read past posts, and if you read the recent topics, most people are having the same problem like "which rock is the bronze hat under?" and "I can't tell the parrots apart, what do I do?" If people need to use a walkthrough, then ask if someone can email it to you or do what Pecker did in Samclay's post- I don't mind so much when it's like what he did, because at least he gave the warning that there was a spoiler coming up and then he gave the






break thingo to let people know that if they wanted to see it they would have to scroll down, many people just launch right into it saying stuff like "right what you need to do is get this then go here and use this with the thingie then take the thingie and use it with whatchamacallit blah blah blah blah" and that's what I'm annoyed about coz it spoils the fun for everyone else frown.gif





[This message has been edited by Natty (edited March 27, 2001).]

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natty, someone asked me for a solution, so i gave them one. It is none of your buisness if me or any1 else gives out solutions. just cause it annoys u, then think of all the struggling players of monkey island who need help, i am sure that not being able to do something is annoying. so i'm sure every one will like u to keep your opinions to yourself!

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natty, someone asked me for a solution, so i gave them one. It is none of your buisness if me or any1 else gives out solutions. just cause it annoys u, then think of all the struggling players of monkey island who need help, i am sure that not being able to do something is annoying. so i'm sure every one will like u to keep your opinions to yourself!


p.s i am guybrush2003

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Guest grannen

No, none of us will keep our opinion for ourselves when we read spoilers. If a single person wants a walkthrough there are lots of them to be found.

Therefore you have no need to brag here about you knowledge, e-mail the answers to those who wants it or publish the link to the walkthrough.

We want this Forum CLEAN from all sorts of direct solutions.




Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited March 28, 2001).]

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hey guybrush!!!!!!!


Originally posted by guybrush5000:

natty, someone asked me for a solution, so i gave them one. It is none of your buisness if me or any1 else gives out solutions. just cause it annoys u, then think of all the struggling players of monkey island who need help, i am sure that not being able to do something is annoying. so i'm sure every one will like u to keep your opinions to yourself!


p.s i am guybrush2003



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I wouldn't mind so much if people gave a warning that they're going to post a walkthough and then have a bit of a break between the warning and the actual walkthrough so that those who don't wanna see the walkthough don't see it, what annoys me is that most people just start off the message and say something like "right first of all do this and then that and then go to la la land and take the thingie and go back to the haunted castle" or something and those who don't wanna see it end up seeing it coz they went to that particular topic to get some ideas- I mean is asking that people have a break or something before they post a walkthough too much of a difficult thing to do? It probably is coz most people are too friggen lazy to A. Try and work the game out for themselves B. Are to damn stupid to understand a clue or a hint and C. Those who post walkthoughs obviously don't undrerstand what clues and hints means




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i think that when you come on this site you want to SOLVE your problem not be more confused so tell people if they want a walkthrough or a clue and it will be much easier samclay99 the best in the world








>>>>>>>? what the fuc* does this mean?

and how`d`y put pictures on yur reply


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if ppl want a walkthrough, then why don`t they just go to a site with one, but i have nothing wrong with peeps coming here and asking for a good straigh answer, no clue or hints, just don`t post it on the board send it to there e-mail, or get them to e-mail you for help.


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  • 4 months later...

ok natty. i am back. and thats to all u suckas out there.

when i posted a walkthorugh (wot a classic stunt) it was v. long. so ppl r gonna see the 1st part of it, bla bla bla. and all that stuff. so it will then hit them (if they r intelligent enough) they will think "omg, this is a walktru. fone the police!" so they will not read it. they will simply scroll thru. but u had to bring it upon me and moan. well i tell u natty, the only reason i did it. wos because u were so annoying that i could kill u. and no1 @ this forum would like that. (u must all be blind) anyway. i told u about the english test i got.....i passed. i am in general credit for english for my standard grades. and u cant do anything about it.

i will tyoe it out l8er. and copy and paste. so u can all read it.

god i am so bored.


i will post my story soon.



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I was thinking about you the other day, I'm glad to see that you haven't forgotten me, see I know he wants me coz he keeps coming back trying to get my attention. I think it's cute, if you had been a few weeks earlier, you coulda stopped the wedding between me and Brighty, and now you and me coulda been married, but that's OK, I'm sure Brighty is much better in bed than what you are (he's also a better father)


I don't really understand you though, you don't like us but you keep coming back confused.gif Silly me, I know why you keep coming back, it's coz deep down you like me and you're trying to get my attention. How kyoote smile.gif






Brighty's definate better half! After all, I'm an Australian female, and he's some English snooty nosed male! But I wuv him;)

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Silly newbies, drugs are for molested tree frog faeces! (Okay, I'm new here, but I judge newbie-ism by how they follow the rules and/or do things).


I shall explain your way, Mr. I-Passed-English-Yet-I-Don't-Show-It:


"u shee, wen u postt aw altkru evem if dey shee dda beginig it mite be spoyed for dem. wut u dant git iz dat dis iz a CLUZ &8 HENTS FROUM!!!!!!!!!!! sum peeple git a senes uv saatsfactiom frum sulvin a pussle evem frum a cwyptric pussle. k k k k k k k k k k k ??? if peeple wunts a walthru dey shud asc forr it and gif der emaial adrres, k k k k k k k? u den emaial dem wid de walkdru! or gib tdem ay linc too de sete? k k k k k k k k k k?"

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