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red female twilek PC (KotOR 2)


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i suppose this is a fairly simple reskin, and it may already have been done, but i was wondering if someone could do a reskin of the female twilek to be be red, and be available an option for the player character.(i.e. Lethan twi'lek), so if someone could do that, that'd be great. make sure they can wear all of the normal armor/robes/etc., and if you could make the clothing type be the twin suns gear, that'd be great, but i don't really care what the underwear model is, if you want to make it the normal PC underwear that' be fine, although if you could make the underwear be the dancer's outfit that'd be really neat, although i don't know if that's possible...thanks in advance if you can!

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wow hey thanks this is great! i do have one question, and it's a little nit-picky, i know, but do you know of one where they have a lethan of the other twi'lek variant, who's lekku just run straight down? i mean, this works fine, great actually, and i'm not going to ask anyone to do one for me, but if there's one already in existence, could someone point me to it? if not, no worries, this works better than fine for me. :)

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