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[TSL] HK Character Swapout, help needed!


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Just thought I should say starting out that I'm not sure this is the right place to post this dilemna/question but if it isn't just tell me where it should go and I'll pick up and move shop! On we go!


Sooo, I have recently decided to undertake the task of swapping out HK for a shy, charming, ( and deadly ;) )female version of his assassin droid status. The plot that spawned this idea was that she was created with 70% human flesh and the other 30% were machine organs, but all the major stuff (i.e. brain, heart and whatnot) are all human. And she would be a female - female love interest which I painfully felt lacking on my first playthru of KotOR II (Juhani grew on me, what can I say? I want something to live up to the legacy at this point!). And to make things a little easier on myself I kiiinda followed the HK storyline, the topics of discussion will be philosophically related (loosely... ooooh so very loosely). And all the lines are fit into the mould of HK's dialogue tree since when I started I wasn't aware of how the developers put it all together and I am only now starting to get a grasp on how to acutally edit it. Anyhowzen I'm not even halfway done with the dialogue editing and haven't started with the voice recording since I'm still a little sketchy on the .lip procedure and the .wav naming conventions (add to that the fact I'm not a shy, charming female assassin droid but I'm sure I'll work something out). I'm just going off tk's (at least I think it was tk, I can't remember now.. ) 10 step voice and lip sync tutorial at this point with no experience yet.


Anyhow, the question I came to pose is this: I have about a dozen mods that I'm rockin' at the moment so consequently my appearance.2Da is pretty scrambled, so I dug a clean one outta kotor tools and just replaced the HK line with the P_FEM_A_SML_04 model specs (the model I've decided on. The name; Lillian (Lily) Corynth, seemed to fit with her best)). I mention this now in case that's a subject of interest in solving the case later on.


I've found and edited the hk47 .utc to my liking, I'll put up a link of the basic and advanced tabs since I'm gunna guess it's the tag and resref that are messing me up here if it is indeed something to do with the utc




So, moving along, when I stick the utc in my override folder, the scene never fades back in after you put all the parts back in her/him and the dialogue doesn't start. I might add also that the 'damaged hk unit' shows up in-game as the darkside version of the char she's sposed to be, dressed in a really weird looking black and red mesh. This maaay be a problem incurred by my other mods but It looks sorta kool so I don't deign it a problem at the moment however I would like to at least get her face consistent. And now that I think about it, when I equipped some droid plating on her (she was still a droid given that the utc was not there to make her human, and also she isn't a party member when the utc is active) she reverted to underwear skin. Which seems odd, unless the underwear skin somehow got mixed up as the armored texture and the common clothing got set as the base skin.. eck, makes my head hurt ( 4 in the morning :p )






Oh, and did I forget to mention she does not join the party when the utc is active.


Anywho, I'm really commited to getting thru this, it's a fun and really enlightening experience for me ( scripting especially, I've never even gone near C++, so thanks to all the tutorials that are starting to get understanding brewing in my skull :) ). So if anyone cares to help out, or even toss their thoughts my way to try I would greatly appreciate it!

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Well I have to say your .utc character looks funny. The phenotype needs to be set to normal and you you need to remove the Minimum HP = 1 tag, else she'll be unkillable and that will make your game unbelievably easy, cuz she'll never die or go unconcious in combat....


As for why she won't "reactivate" have you edited the dialogue in kotor tool or in .dlg editor?

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