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Revenge of the Sith: Anakin force-chokes Padmé


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On Revenge of the Sith when Anakin is teeming with the dark side and loses his temper with his baby-mama, he decides to use the force to choke her into unconsciousness. What I noticed here was that Obi-Wan intervened and said, "Let her go, Anakin! Let her go." Well, I am one of those dudes who sometimes watches a movie and says to himself, "Self, wouldn't it be cool if that character had said this instead of that?"


It just so happens that at that point in the movie I thought it would have been supremely bad-to-the-ass if Obi-Wan had tried to get Anakin to stop by saying what he said, and then for Anakin to have completely ignored him. Then, Obi-Wan would have realized that Anakin was completely "gone" and was now Darth Vader. Hell, even Yoda told him that he was now Vader. Anyway, once Obi-Wan realized this, I think he should've said, "Vader! Release her!" at which point Vader would have dropped her and then the movie would continue on as is. This would be a throwback to the original trilogy and if they had had this line in the movie I would have jizzed in my pants.


Anyway, please reply with your thoughts on this. For the record, I loved Revenge of the Sith and I do not feel as if the movie is worse in any way without the line I have proposed. However, I do think it would have been better with it.


Thanks and have a great day!

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  • 1 month later...

Its a good point, but I doubt he would have let go any sooner,

Problem with it is that Obi-Wan still believed that Anakin could be turned back, or saved or something invloving not killing him. He might have tried to still talk to him as a friend by naming him Anakin instead of Vader, but who really knows...

\Have a nice day

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  • 1 month later...

It doesn't make too much sense why he'd call him "Vader" anyway, considering he'd only heard that name once in the security recording he saw a few minutes before leaving for the planet, if memory serves, as opposed to the name he'd called him for the 12 years they worked together.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
You want to know what I think should have happened?


Anakin chokes Padme.

Obi-Wan runs like hell out of the ship, tackling Anakin by the waist.


The woman. Is. Pregnant. In a galaxy far, far away, there may be magical ninja warriors, but there still isn't a cure for spouse abuse. :C


React instead of instruct, yes. To act when another does something that goes against your principles is always a better option. Obi Wan wasted a valuable opening here.

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  • 11 months later...


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