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Rush Hour 2

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

When you mix two cool guys, two totally hot women, a Chinese mafia, and awesome stunts. You get a cool movie, and that's what this movie is.


The story is good, the action's good, the actors are cool, there's lots of fighting, the women are hot and numerous. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one. That's about all there is to say.


Boba Rhetts' rating = 8.0


If you’re a boy between the ages of 13 to 25 I think you may be required to go see this movie.

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Guest Tie Guy

Man, thanks Rhett, i didn't realize that it was out already. And...since i'm 15, i guess i'm required to go see it.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Yes, yes you are! Hmmmm... there's not really anymore cool movies coming out for like 4 months. Unless i have missed something. :(

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Guest Boba Rhett

The story was a little week but it's an amazing movie none the less. I recommend going to see it. It's got better graphics even than Shrek! Their hair alone was amazing. It appears that it was a giant flop though. :( The highest it ever got was 3rd place.



Boba Rhetts rating: 8.0

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I did see FF. I thought it was great. I like how they *SPOILER* didn't bring back the guy at the end. I thought they were, i'm glad they didn't. It would have been too cheesy if the did bring him back.

Have you seen J. park 3? How'd you like it? I haven't seen it yet.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Yeah, I did. It was bad. Kinda sad actually. The story was really weak, the acting wasn't very good, they changed the way the dinosours looked, "raptors are slender, multicolored, spikey headed things now", and it has just plain stupid stuff in it.

If you wanna see it, i'd wait until it was out on video.


Boba Rhetts rating: 4.5 - 5


Any other movies you'd like to know about? I go see alot of them. :)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Yeah, I did. It was bad. Kinda sad actually. The story was really weak, the acting wasn't very good, they changed the way the dinosours looked, "raptors are slender, multicolored, spikey headed things now", and it has just plain stupid stuff in it.

If you wanna see it, i'd wait until it was out on video.


Boba Rhetts rating: 4.5 - 5


Any other movies you'd like to know about? I go see alot of them. :)

How about "Kiss of the Dragon"?

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Guest Boba Rhett

Nah, I haven't seen A.I. and i'm not particularly interest in doing so, either. From what i've heard people say about it, it is long and dull.

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Well ... JP3 isn't directed my Spielberg ... but I'm still curious about the movie.


Lord of the Rings is my next favorite. Unlike ep2 it's going for the one world one release stuff (so I've heard) So I don't have to wait half a year before it releases in the Lowlands :)

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Guest Boba Rhett

I can't comment on Kiss of the Dragon. I don't whatch R movies. :o


Yes, LotR looks very good. I can't wait to see it.



BTW, have I posted about Planet of the Apes yet? :confused:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I can't comment on Kiss of the Dragon. I don't whatch R movies. :o


Yes, LotR looks very good. I can't wait to see it.



BTW, have I posted about Planet of the Apes yet? :confused:

You can't or won't watch R rated movies? Is there too much blood for you? :)


BTw How was PotA?

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Guest Boba Rhett

I don't wanna go see them because most of the time the're rated R for stupid reasons. If I wanted to hear the F word 150 times a day I'd go to public school. :D


Well, here's a review I wrote when it first came out. Since then I have learned more about it so I'll elaborate afterwords.



******old review********

An very entertaining movie. I enjoyed it right to the end, well at least up until the last 30 seconds. There I was thinking this was a cool movie and then I see the last thirty seconds and am completely confused. It's pretty amazing when something that happens in the last minute messes up the rest of the movie.


I mean, it's alright to leave a little hole at the end of a movie for it to lead into a sequal but this movie left a hole big enough for someone to drive a riding lawn mower through. So if they don't make a sequal, this movie is ruined at the end.


If they do make one, however, the movie will be great and will eventually make perfect sence but i'll still feel that I had to wait 2 years and pay for another ticket just to see the ending of this movie.


Dispite it messed up ending, it a good moive and I suggest you check it out and see what you think about the ending.


Rating: If sequal = 8.5, if no sequal = 6.5 - 7.0


********old review******


I have sinced learned that there will be a sequal. So this rocks. The costumes are also amazing and it's pretty cool to get to see Charlton Heston(sp?) dressed up like a monkey.



As for me starting movie review posts. I think I just may do so. :)

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Guest Rogue15

I didn't think Jp3 was that bad, heh, i only saw the first 40 minutes of it. (yes i did dload it, only part 1 though, will dload part 2 if i don't see it in theatres soon).


From what I got to see though, it was pretty cool, kinda horrorish feeling to it 'cause u don't know who's goin'a be eaten next. hahaha.

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So Rhett do you not go and see scary movies? Your missing out on a lot. Besides not all R rated movies say the F word 150 times. The ones that don't you get to see nudity 150 times or blood and guts 150 times :D R rated movies are worth seeing! ;)

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Hey Rogue15 do you think you can remove your ATAT? It looks cool and all but it slows down my comp. a lot when I look at a thread your talking in. Unless your purposely putting it there so I stay away from threads your in ;)

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Guest Boba Rhett

Yah I know. Some of them do look pretty good. I just get frustraded by the ones that would practically be G rated if they didn't have a character whos only job aparantly is to stand there and squeeze in as many cuss words as he can in an hour and a half. :rolleyes:

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yes, i heard jp3 wasn't that good, and planet of the apes sucks. i'm interested in watching rush hour 2 b/c chris whatever and jackie chan are good together, and i heard KOD was awesome. i'm planning on watching both of them later this summer....the next good movie to be out in the summer is next summer, when, oh, hmm, episode II comes out. they had a "brief" preview of some of its aspects in san diego a couple of months ago......

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

yes, i heard jp3 wasn't that good, and planet of the apes sucks. i'm interested in watching rush hour 2 b/c chris whatever and jackie chan are good together, and i heard KOD was awesome. i'm planning on watching both of them later this summer....the next good movie to be out in the summer is next summer, when, oh, hmm, episode II comes out. they had a "brief" preview of some of its aspects in san diego a couple of months ago......

Speaking of San Diego, did you go to the comic-con? I did :D

Also I zipped the FEW Gundams I have, did anyone want some?

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