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Recruitment Mod


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I know some people were discussing this a while back, as far as I can remember, T3 is the only character you can safetly get rid of, and even then you have problems, for example it would have to be after T3 gives you the list of jedi masters, and you would need a way around T3's part in the Nar Shaddaa warehouse. G0T0 has a dialogue with the remote on Malachor, so there might be issues there as well.


All of these problems are overcomeable but it makes things harder, and modders are less likely to want to help. I'd do it but I'm working on my own stuff, sorry.


If you really want to, I would suggest learning a bit of modding (even if it's just dialogue writing) and seeing if someone would help you. That way it takes some of the load of other modders so they will be more likely to help you, and you'll get it finished a bit quicker.


You're new here so I'll give you the heads up, KotOR isn't an easy game to mod, it takes time and patience, especially something big like a recruitment mod. I'm not saying it can't be done, but you need to realise what you're getting yourself into.


Anyway, good luck with you're mod and I hope you pull it off :)

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