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Recruit Function

Ferc Kast

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Recruit Function


Latest Version: 1.0

Supports: KotOR I and KotOR II

Download: Kast's Echo | Deadly Stream


This Recruit Function allows you to recruit NPCs as new party members. It was designed to ease the amount of scripting to make a recruit mod. :cool:


Not-so-long in a galaxy not-too-far away, I once created a recruit script that eased the process of creating a recruit mod for TSL only. It always felt a little unjust that TSL modders should get that burden eased while KotOR I modders still had to suffer through the old (and semi-lengthy) way of coding a recruit script. I think this should both further ease the process of TSL recruitment mods & finally relieve the process for KotOR I recruitment mods somewhat.



This tutorial will not go over the process of making a (existing or new) NPC recruit mod; this tutorial only covers making the script which will recruit the NPC. For a tutorial about the rest of the process of making a recruit mod, see this tutorial by Darth333. :)


Installation and Use

You need to place the “ke_recruit.nss” script in your K1 or TSL override, depending upon the game for which you are making the recruit mod. To use the function, add the line

#include “ke_recruit”

at the beginning of your recruit script.


A) Recruit NPC

First, include this function in your script.

RecruitA(iNPC, sResRef);

iNPC = The integer value/variable of the replaced party member

sResRef = The string value of your post-recruitment UTC ResRef


These are the various NPC integer values/variables.

// KotOR I NPC integer values/variables.
int NPC_BASTILA         = 0;
int NPC_CANDEROUS       = 1;
int NPC_CARTH           = 2;
int NPC_HK_47           = 3;
int NPC_JOLEE           = 4;
int NPC_JUHANI          = 5;
int NPC_MISSION         = 6;
int NPC_T3_M4           = 7;
int NPC_ZAALBAR         = 8;

// KotOR II NPC integer values/variables.
int NPC_ATTON           = 0;
int NPC_BAO_DUR         = 1;
int NPC_CANDEROUS       = 2;
int NPC_G0T0            = 3;
int NPC_HANDMAIDEN      = 4;
int NPC_HK_47           = 5;
int NPC_KREIA           = 6;
int NPC_MIRA            = 7;
int NPC_T3_M4           = 8;
int NPC_VISAS           = 9;
int NPC_HANHARR          = 10;
int NPC_DISCIPLE        = 11;


B) Eliminate Twins

If you also wish to eliminate the original pre-recruited party member from the module, simply include this function in your script.


sNPC = The string value of your pre-recruitment UTC Tag


Example Script

I thought I'd be nice and show an example of a working script; This is for a K1 recruit mod, but it works the same for TSL aside from NPC integer values.

#include "ke_recruit"
void main(){
string sResRef = "p_ice";
string sNPC = "Ice021";
RecruitA(iNPC, sResRef);


That’s all, folks! Please, leave your feedback below.

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