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3D very nasty looking


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Is it just my video/monitor or do all the characters in MI4 have nasty square edges to them no matter how you configure? I'm thinking I might need to download new drivers for my vid card. I've got an NVIDIA TNT2 RIVA. It's a good card. Why does it look so crappy?



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Yes, I looked everywhere for the anti-alias option, which doesn't appear to be available, for some strange reason. I'm quite certain I've played other games using DirectX that have used anti-alias, so it should technically be possible. I'll try to tinker with my settings some more, and hopefully find a solution. If anyone else knows how to fix this, please let us know!


"Those jaggies suck!"

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Originally posted by fjix:

Is it just my video/monitor or do all the characters in MI4 have nasty square edges to them no matter how you configure? I'm thinking I might need to download new drivers for my vid card. I've got an NVIDIA TNT2 RIVA. It's a good card. Why does it look so crappy?




I went into the advanced display properties for my NVIDIA Detonator drivers, and selected "FORCE ANTIALIASING". That COMPLETELY fixes the jagged edge problem with the characters. THEY LOOK AWESOME NOW!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I found out that if you have a NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 the graphics just suck and there's nothing you can do about it. Ain't that great! We've got to buy a GEforce or a voodoo 5 or something. No antialiasing for our sorry butts.

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I don't understand what you were just saying. Are you saying that the antialiasing option smooths the jagged edges with your NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 card? And you are not using the drivers that came with it or the detonator3? And what is rayman 2?

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