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Sion Head?


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Just an easy request (so I've heard!) I just want a Darth Sion head mod? You know the deal. A way to play my fav Darth without armour and stuff interrupting it? Heard these can be done in less than 30 mins so thought I'd post on here!


To anyone who replies, thanks!


Note: Of course, if this exists already, send a link my way!

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These can be done in less than 30 min but Sion is an exception. This is actually a more difficult mod due to how he was modeled.


Really? I thought that due to Nihilus' custom Lightsaber animations that would be the most difficult. Has this Sion head been done before?

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Well, I've seen some people mod items such as robes and stuff to set disguises on the Robes. Much like all these Malak and Revan robes bouncing around. However, when you're say.. duelling the handmaiden and you're forced to be naked, it takes your robes off and the whole aesthetic is ruined. I love my immersion :p


Just like a normal player head, much like the Nihilus ones would be awesome

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i bet he want sion without clothes and so he can wear anything he want or even be naked. like in fight with handmadens :)


No, I think he's saying that if he used a disguise option, then when fighting the Handmaiden the item that disguises you is taken off, thus going back to the original appearance.

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I don't fully understand, do you just want Sion as the PC head from the start screen, without a disguise to do so?


If so I'll try and do it tommorow (I imagine it can't be any more difficult than a Nihilus PC mod)


Yes, I want a selectable player head when you create a new game. I also thought it was be probably harder, to do it with Nihilus because he has custom animations and such..

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