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Kicked out to windows

Dec Ryan

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Hi, I like EFMI, but the constant kicked out to windows is driving me nuts. And the worst is it always shut itself after I got out from the bank vault, after the blank screen, clock ticking and a text "Several hours later ...". Even after I've made a complete installation icon8.gif


I have PIII 600, 128 megs SDRAM, NVIDIA RIVA TNT2, DirectX 8 and I don't have any application running in the background.


If you don't know how to solve my problem but you have a savegame just after it, please send me yours to andays@yahoo.com





[This message has been edited by Dec Ryan (edited November 14, 2000).]

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I just wanted to say I have the same problem but I'm booted out to windows upon start up. As in I can't even get the game to load. I get the loader screen click on the game and it loads to a black screen for a few seconds before resetting to the desktop. I've got a PIII 800, Nividia Vanta TNT 2 and am also running direct X 8...


Hmmm the demo ran fine on my computer before I put direct X 8 on as well...

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Not sure about reverting back to DirectX 7, but the CD came with DirectX 7, so I supposed you could try to install it from that, and see if it works.


I haven't bothered to try installing DirectX 8, since my copy of EMI came with an addendum that says it would not work with 8, and that if I have 8, I should go to the web site to download new drivers. But going through LucasArts' web site right now, I don't see a section for updates to DirectX 8, so I'll have to find that addendum to see where we're supposed to go for that. I'll post the URL for it when I get home.


In the mean time, have you tried switching modes? When I tried to switch from DirectDraw (I think that's what the default is called) to OpenGL, the game wouldn't load, so I had to switch back, and the game works fine, except for the locking problem others have reported about the dart players in SCUMM Bar (luckily, I was still able to access the menu, and since it was relatively early in the game, I restarted it and got past it without problems).


JFYI, I'm using a Voodoo 3 2000 AGP on Windows ME.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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I'm sorry, I remebered wrong.. The thing about DirectX 8 was for something else I had gotten on the same day as EMI, in a weird memory-dyslexia state, I thought it was for EMI, but now that I'm back home, and looking through my manuals, I found that the addendum I mentioned was for that, and not EMI.


Sorry to have alarmed you about DirectX 8. Boy, is my face red... redface.gif



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not because DirectX 7a, 'cause I still used 7a after I bought the game, I got kicked out to windows often too, then I downloaded DX 8, although it's not too often but it still got me kicked. Then I thought it's because my RIVA TNT2 drivers was outdated, I update my drivers recently and it still the same mad.gif


HELP! Because of this I'm still in Lucre Island now, 'cause I have to start again from the latest savegame I made, over and over again, and I have to make LOTS of savegames than I needed it mad.gif



Dec Ryan

TLJ Fans Forum


[This message has been edited by Dec Ryan (edited December 01, 2000).]

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  • 5 weeks later...

I get kicked out to windows every single time I try to enter the Groggery on Jumbalaya Island. can someone send me a save game at the start of jambalaya island with the micro grog, please?


My e-mail is: cricetaro@hotmail.com

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Hey - just got the game yesterday, and I'm having the same trouble. I keep getting bumped out at the diving contest on Jambalaya. Does anyone have a save game DURING the diving contest? It's only the first video scene that kicks me out. I'm running an Nvidia, too, although I just updated the Detonator drivers last week. I've got DirectX 8, but I don't think that's the prob. I've tried every screen res, video option, etc. Same place, kicked out to Windows. I'd love to do the diving contest, but I can't watch that first scene. Anyone help with a savegame file?

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