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Which version?

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Okay, so I'm looking to get TFU and TFU2. I own a Mac, PSP, Wii, and 3DS. Yes, I know, I don't have a 360 or a PS3. That's not the focus of this topic though. I'm definitely going to get TFU2 for the Wii, seeing as that's the platform that got the best reviews, plus I don't have any other systems besides DS that the game was made on.


My main question is: Should I get TFU for the PSP, Wii, or just get the Sith Edition for the Mac? I've read a lot of good things about the PSP version, plus the extra modes sound really cool. I'm always glad to have good games for the Wii, but opinions seem to be split on that version. I own both JKO and JKA on the Mac, so getting TFU on that might make sense as well.


I'd really like to hear some unbiased opinions, preferably from people who own/have played multiple versions of the game. And F.Y.I., I'm not a graphics whore. I appreciate good graphics, but they aren't a make or break aspect to me.

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I'm not overly interested in the Wii's multiplayer. I think it's a cool idea and all, but I doubt I would use it much. I did think the motion controls for the force sounded cool and seem to be the strong point.


I honestly may just get the PSP version along with either the Mac or the Wii, just for its pick up and play features.

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