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Unique problem unseen before........


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I seem to either have a different version of EFMI or I don't know what has happened. All of the below relate to Lucre Island (Act 1)


Firstly, I didn't need to use the music box with deadeye Dave to get the wooden arm. I could just pick it up.


Secondly, I didn't use any fountain water in the eau de pegnose - I used swamp water from the puddle - but it still says I've put fountain water in there.


Thirdly, I cant dive in the not so shallow water on Lucre Island. I know I have to dive in to get the money and Chest but I can't. I have tried every key and every Item in my inventory and nothing works.


Can anyone explain these differences or are they normal and more importantly could you tell me how to dive in the not so shallow water. Thanks

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