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Auroradlights in existing area .mdl

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I've been working on replacing an existing area (specifically the first room aboard the Endar Spire in KotOR), but I've run into a problem. No matter if I make any changes or not, the model is completely black ingame.


Now, as far as I can tell, this is because I'm missing a bunch of lights. The problem seems to be that when I export the .mdl containing the area with Kotor Tool, the lights are exported as simple dummy objects instead of working aurora lights.


I could go through the lights and match them up by eye, but that would be a lot of trial and error work.


So, my question is: Is there any way to extract the model from KotOR - INCLUDING the light settings?


Hope you can help me out,


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I fear, my friend it's not only the lights that will cause problems. Every area in the game also uses a lightmap to light up an area.


The lightmap is a second layer on any 3D part of said area. The Kotor games are old and back then the lighting of a level was pre-rendered, into a lightmap.


So your new modelled part is not contained in the old lightmap. Which means the game has no info on how to light up your new area piece.


To go back to your lights, there's saddly no way to extract the info you need; what color, brightness... etc. MDLops can't do that, it just makes dummy objects. The only info you have is the coordinates and the name of the light.


So in short to answer your question: No, not that I know of.

Though I won't say it's not possible to 'light' up the room. You'll just have to add in the lights in Gmax or 3DsMax, give them some values and see what happens in game.



Kotor modding is all about trial and error most of the times :)

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