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fully controlling team-members, how to?


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Hey folks,


I like to have full control of the actions of my teammembers but whenever I just want someone to do nothing, he/she is starting to attack by him/herself. Can you switch this off like in Dragon Age and Mass Effect?


Furthermore, can you tell a teammember to just walk to a specific point without having to actually maneuver him/her to there? If so, is this also possible in combat mode? And when running with a member can you set others on hold to wait at some place?


Im new to the KOTOR-universe and am used to the mechanics of Dragon Age and Mass Effect and would love to have similar possibilities in KOTOR but have a comparably hard time with the game-handling/movement/controlling. Maybe you can light my path here? Are there mods maybe that provide what I want?




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Miras welcome to the forum. As far as getting your party members to do nothing, enabling solo mode will make them stand wherever you left them. But they will attack if an enemy gets near them. With moving them around you have to actually switch to them and move them yourself. I also do not know of any mods that alter this as of right now.

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  • 1 month later...
Hey folks,


I like to have full control of the actions of my teammembers but whenever I just want someone to do nothing, he/she is starting to attack by him/herself. Can you switch this off like in Dragon Age and Mass Effect?


Furthermore, can you tell a teammember to just walk to a specific point without having to actually maneuver him/her to there? If so, is this also possible in combat mode? And when running with a member can you set others on hold to wait at some place?


Im new to the KOTOR-universe and am used to the mechanics of Dragon Age and Mass Effect and would love to have similar possibilities in KOTOR but have a comparably hard time with the game-handling/movement/controlling. Maybe you can light my path here? Are there mods maybe that provide what I want?





It depends which game. In kotor 2 there are different scripts for the characters. I.e. stationary, grenadier, aggressive, etc... If you'd like to know what they do, follow this link and download the manual, it will tell you about all the different character behaviors: http://www.replacementdocs.com/download.php?view.1498

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