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RPG Gamer Retro View on KotOR

Darth InSidious

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... The characters were well written and memorable, and not just the main party members. Many of the minor NPC’s aren't all that easy to forget. There are too many to really go into, you need to play the game if you haven’t, but when a certain protocol droid says, “Please kill me,” you kind of wish did it when you had the chance. Also, there are no gungans to be found in the game....


... KotOR’s d20 roots also mean that melee characters are more advantageous than characters using ranged weapons. I’m not just talking about light sabers here. Giving any non-Jedi a Vibro blade, and the feats to go along with it, make for a more effective combatant. It doesn't feel Star Wars-ey to see a mass sword fight between the player's party and a group of NPC’s. Ranged weapons aren't useless, there are one or two parts where some sort of ranged attack is needed, but they are the suboptimal choice, in the long run....

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