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Murray's Story-Reactivated


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Hey everyone, I once tried writing the Monkey Island series from Murray's point of view, but I sorta gave up. That's when my screename was Bryce Canyon. Well, I'm back, and I have a great outline. Here it is, revealing how Murray got from one place to another...(still in development)


Murray’s Story Outline


Three chapters-One prologue to CMI, CMI, and EMI


Prologue Outline


-Murray will be an odd pirate with his two other crewmates who want shore leave. They reach port at Monkey Island and visit the Carnival of the Damned (Big Whoop).


-Decide to go on roller coaster that leads to monkey head (get name later)


-Murray and his friends go on the ride and fall into LeChuck’s trap. They become undead and are drafted into LeChuck’s army.


-They acquire secret intelligence about Elaine Marley being on Plunder Island. They set sail for Puerto Pollo.




-Murray and other undead are chosen to go on a boat and overun the island.


-Of course, Murray’s ship will be sunk by a cannonball by Guybrush Threepwood. This is where Murray will meet Guybrush for the first time.


-Murray will then be blown clear from LeChuck’s ship and probably land on the beach. There, some voodoo kids will pick him up and stick him on the pike.


-Murray will be picked up once again by the voodoo kids, but this time he will probably bite one of the kids hands and they drop him.


-Monkeys from the Sea Cucumber will find Murray and bring him on board. Mr. Fossey will tell them to put him below deck.


-Because Mr. Fossey and his crew have left, Murray is left below. He tries to call out to Guybrush, but is droned out by the pirate’s singing.


-After the storm, Murray is shot out of the Sea Cucumber and lands on Blood Island. He is found by Mort and put into a hole in the ground, which is above the Goodsoup Family Crypt. He can’t communicate with Mort because Mort holds his jaw shut. That is why Mort doesn’t recognize his voice in later events.


-When Guybrush brings Murray out of the crypt, Guybrush’s magic wand accidently backfires and transports Murray to Monkey Island. He is found by Dinghy Dog and put on the prize rack. There, he remains until the carnival is destroyed.




-Murray lies in some wreckage, and he overhears a conversation with LeChuck and Ozzie Mandrill.


-Then, when all the wreckage is cleared off of Monkey Island, Murray is carried on a boat and is dropped off by one of the islands near Jumbalaya (one of the islands we can’t visit).


-He is found by a worker from Ozzie Mandrill who needs workers. They bring him to Jumbalaya, and he is employed at Planet Threepwood.


-Murray starts out as a bouncer and works until he meets up with Guybrush.




I am Jack's raging bile duct.

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When Guybrush brings Murray out of the crypt, Guybrush’s magic wand accidently backfires and transports Murray to Monkey Island. He is found by Dinghy Dog and put on the prize rack. There, he remains until the carnival is destroyed.


hmmm, I wonder....




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  • 2 weeks later...

Really good story. I remember reading that topic, and I really hoped that you would actually make that story.

You missed out on the theatre though, like last time. biggrin.gif

Murray was probably found by Slappy Cromwell, who needed another skull for his juggling show.

When Slappy Cromwell flew out of the picture, never to return, we can assume, as you said, that a monkey picked him up, as they were also in the theatre at the time, and found him interesting. It was probably the monkey that remained clapping after the others had left.

You filled in the transport-gaps very well, and the wand backfired..... yeah, that could actually be it! biggrin.gif


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