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Starwarsknights Down.


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We all know of http://starwarsknights.com/tools.php, and we all know it has all the resources to making mods. Unfortunately the website has been inaccessible. But don't fret... I will guide you toward going "way back" to when the website was active:thmbup1:

1. Please direct yourself here.

2. Please copy "http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php"[NO QUOTES] and paste it into the obvious text box and press enter.

3. Now you see a whole bunch of years, a calendar, etc.. basically it looks crazy. What you need to do is look for the most vibrant time of the website, and direct yourself there, which if I'm not mistaken is "2007".

4. Select March 23rd.

5. You now have access to the website, and you can now download whatever you need to make your mod.:(:)



All you need to do is click download on whatever you're attempting to get, no futher action is reqired as Wayback Machine will do it for you!

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