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Monkey Island Five and Six. WARNING SPOLIERS


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Sorry about that. Just read the replies below and you'll see why I shouted.


The fifth game:



Guybrush and Elaine and sailing across the carribean. LeChuck, who is still alive and has the ability to switch between his personas, grabs Guybrush, and hurls himself and Guybrush to the future. Where Guybrush is stuck with inventions he doesn't know who to use, and a mysterious group after him. He then finds himself on Monkey Island where the Big Whoop Amusement Park is alive and kicking a full of tourists!




LeChuck is human. After finding Big Whoop and opened hell in the future he is human. But, Kuvioinski, a Russian doctor grabs him and goes to the past and says that Guybrush will have to swap faces, (ala Face-Off) to find LeChuck's plan. Guybrush is given and amulet to go through time to locate LeCHuck's hidden source of power, and to stop him from ever setting off to find Monkey Island in the first place to impress Elaine. But LeChuck wakes up, and he then gets Guybrushes face, destorys Guybrush's (in Lechuck's face) amulet and Guybrush is stuck in the past living LeChuck's life. And is on a course to die. But the Voodoo lady sees that LeChuck will die as destined. But He will not resurrect with his ghost, and Guybrush will not become a pirate and he will die after being fired from a cannon...



This is the second best forumn I've ever joined.


[This message has been edited by xander999 (edited January 27, 2001).]

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I don't think so, but thanks for playing our game! Your concilation prize is this wonderful Ronco blender! It slices, it dices, it perfoms all your blending needs.


Maybe you should prove us all wrong by making some fangames with these plots. They might be funnier to play than to read, but probably not your number six.

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There is no way they'd kill off Guybrush! Actually the whole of Your MI:6 sounds like a load of rubbish, and somehow if they HAD released info on the games, don't you think more people, including the MI loving magazine PC Gamer, would know about it and have told us.


Ur MI: 5 I do like, pity you tryed to fob 'em off as the real ones, othrewise probably people would have given more positive responses.



May the Force be with you.

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Uh huh?





and any way if guybrush does die (which we all hope he doesn't are we all with me here,)

i think lucusarts will make it a bit more funny. yeah, getting shot out of a cannon is funny but what (or)where will guybrush die, will le-chuck get elaine finally?

(you don't have to agree as i'm only 11!)



[This message has been edited by Gubernatorial threepwood (edited January 27, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Gubernatorial threepwood (edited January 27, 2001).]

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Listen. This is called THE WISH LIST. People who know me, not a lot of people mind you, know I have the WIERDEST sense of humour. I wrote it as something I'd like to see. Not WHAT WILL happen. Plus I wanting to see the reaction on people's faces when they read "SPOILERS".


I meant for Guybrush to survive number six. If you notice it's a spoof of Face/Off. Besides, I like the time travel idea and playing as LeChuck. Answering questions to his past.


Guybrush again.

Didn't the voodoo lady say that Guybrush would die in "Curse"? It turned out he did, but to continue the story!



This is the second best forumn I've ever joined.

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