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K1 Jedi Correction Mod


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This was a little mod that I uploaded to kotor files last year some time. Now that it is down :( I am re-uploading the file.

I know it's small but it got like 300 downloads so I figured why not. I will be uploading it to the nexus and deadlystream in the near future but for now mediafire will do. The links will be updated in this thread.


ds link: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/664-jedi-fix/

nexus link: http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/64/?


Compatibility: This mod is compatible with any robe mod you just need to change the file names of the robes tga, mdx, and mdl files to the ones in this mod and they will show up in game. (I can make a video per request by a user to show you how to make the change, if anybody needs a visual representation.)


Readme: This is a little fix that keeps the style of jedi robes consistent throughout the game.

For example when your inside the enclave the jedi are wearing the style of robe you wear

and then when you go to the court yard the jedi were wearing a completely different robe

model. I changed it so the jedi in the courtyard are wearing the default style now. So now every jedi in the game will be wearing the model you wear.



Drop files in override.



Remove files from override.





Thanks to every one that downloads this mod; I love you all.


You can use this mod with any of your mods but just give me some credit for what it's worth.
















Update 1: Deadly Stream link is up

Update 2: Nexus link is up taking down media fire one

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