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No more doubts

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My first post here, I just discovered the site - I really like it! Good work!


Now on to something I just have to say...


I must admit, when I first heard that EMI would use the GRIME engine I was really disappointed. I was one of the people that argued that the graphics quality could never match that of the old, reliable and well-proven 2D formula.




I just now watched the .mpg movies over at dailyradar - and they look amazing! I think Lucasarts may have actually succeeded in bringing this adventure game to 3D (if that much can be concluded from three low-res movies... smile.gif I got that heavy "Monkey Island" feeling from watching them smile.gif


So, I've changed my mind. I now completely support the decision to go 3D, and i just can't wait for the game!!

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Mmmmm. Yeah, I loved the old SCUMM games - I particularly love CMI and the Broken Sword games for the fact they're still totally replayable today (CMI's graphics were amazing). The Monkey and Indy games have a really special place in my heart and CMI was JUST short of hitting their mark (not as dark as MI2 and the whole dark voodoo ambiance was gone. I'm still not buying that funfair crap).


Grim Fandango really worried me, I was convinced it would be too "playstationy". It turned out to be every bit as good as the old Lucasarts classics.


As long as EMI is a type of GF and not too much like Indy and the Infernal Machine (good kids game but not an adventure) then it will be amazing!

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I wasn't really worried about the 2D to 3D transition in the first place, but if I was the videos would destroyed any fears I might have had. The thing I was really impressed with was the facial animations, they have a wide range of expressions, and they aren't so jerky like in GF, they really blew me away.

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Guest ZeroXcape

When you say:


<blockquote>"I just now watched the .mpg movies over at dailyradar - and they look amazing! I think Lucasarts may have actually succeeded in bringing this adventure game to 3D (if that much can be concluded from three low-res movies... I got that heavy "Monkey Island" feeling from watching them"</blockquote>


Are you implying you didn't like Grim Fandango's use of the GRIME engine?


Also, I figured after everyone saw the game in action, they wouldn't be all that upset. Our last <a href="http://www.escapemi.com/column02.html">column</a> was actually on the subject of 2D to 3D.






EMI.com Webmaster


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Grim Fandango was a great game in it's own right - my concern was mainly with how that engine would work with Monkey Island. After all, these games have a long history of beautiful artwork and gameplay in 2D. If anybody can do it, it's Lucasarts - and I think they will! smile.gif


And I agree with your column, the graphics seem to have a lot in common with those of CMI. (*cough* clouds *cough*)


It looks slightly less cartoonish, though. And that's a good thing smile.gif

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I'm also pleased with the change from the completely cartoony look, I think that visualy MI should be portrayed as goofy and silly, but still maintain a level of realism and seriousness. The visual style in EMI really is how I'd imagined MI 1 & 2 would look if they'd been made today, I couldn't be more pleased.

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